看板 Salary
※ 引述《peter98 (PyTorch AI套件爛死惹)》之銘言: : 英文很好? 來 : Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend : with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games : or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing things : together that are related to schoolwork. Which of the two approaches do you : prefer? : Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. : 先寫一篇350字的作文來看看 給你30分鐘寫 Ok, let me try try look. I prefer playing games or sports with kid, because as parents we have jobs our own, and schoolwork is children's job. If we do things related to schoolwork with children, that means we have to do double jobs. So unless children really need your help to do the schoolwork, you better stay aside, let them do it their own. After all, I think the answer depends on children's need. As parents don't give the children too much pressure. In the future, when we look back, we would have pleasure memory with children. 三百個字有點多耶。 三百個字母可以嗎? 讓我用中文都寫不出三百個字,竟然還要用英文。 我這樣去投履歷面試的時候,可以說我會英文嗎? 請老師給打分數... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1697977500.A.959.html
s6031417: 5.0-5.5? 10/22 20:26
MacPerson: 大概B1 level. 需要再再加油一下 10/22 20:35
pttnowash: 第一句看成:I prefer playing kid... 10/22 20:40
nh60211as: 痾,看得懂等級 10/22 20:57
VVVV55555: 薪資板這樣玩? 10/22 21:03
Kroner: 有人知道如何處理關節痛嗎?求分享! 10/22 21:03
skyyo: https://g.co/bard/share/6f35a1a80962 10/22 21:27
skyyo: 1分鐘 10/22 21:28
skyyo: 不過我覺得華人特愛用中文挑別人英文的錯 以上的評語都該改 10/22 21:37
skyyo: 用英文才准說才對@@ 10/22 21:37
Kroner: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 10/22 21:37
※ 編輯: MrTaxes ( 臺灣), 10/22/2023 21:49:40
skyyo: 特別用AI連結就是想讓出題跟答題的各位 想想現在這個時代考 10/22 21:55
skyyo: 英文作文的意義(當然不是毫無意義 10/22 21:55
CoNsTaR: 笑死,這篇有 steven dad 的聲音 10/23 04:34
GoGoJoe: 我英文爆爛居然看得懂,children's need要不要加s? 10/23 09:33
Kroner: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 10/23 09:33
MrTaxes: 謝謝糾正。 應該要加s 10/23 09:58
s8402019: Ok, let me try try look. 10/23 10:53
tttttttiger: 其實可以了,老外也不是每次都用對字XD 10/23 20:41
s06yji3: 看來彼得九八沒有想理你耶QQ 10/24 01:24
Kroner: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 10/24 01:24
Arsenalhenry: 慘 10/24 22:36
FarkU: 華人學英文一直都是很自卑的 10/24 22:39
pink198742: 可以了,你又不是要當英文老師 11/04 20:51