看板 KoreanPop
240820 SBS M THE SHOW EP.361 一位候補 - fromis_9 vs LUN8 vs UNIS BLACKSWAN / DIGNITY / fromis_9 / KARD / KAVE / LUN8 / Tony Yu / UNIS / LIGHTSUM / YDS / CATCH THE YOUNG YDS - 綠色 夏天 蟬 (Cicadas in Green Summer) (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/gGyVVqasJT
DIGNITY - 冷卻 (COOL Down) https://youtu.be/VBQotE40yyY
Tony Yu - Jigglin’ (KOR Ver.) https://youtu.be/LEpBkXZ37XQ
Tony Yu - Gorgeous https://youtu.be/iLVxSxinEz4
KAVE - Legend https://youtu.be/jW1VszL9aRQ
CATCH THE YOUNG - Dream it (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/qk09uLpMMVQ
BLACKSWAN - Double Down https://youtu.be/csq2rjHZOKE
BLACKSWAN - Roll Up https://youtu.be/pI_nKWTcuOs
LUN8 - Life is A Movie (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/Sgn4CwURnyk
LUN8 - WHIP (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/pACGdrf6jF8
LIGHTSUM - POSE! (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/sVFm-sbiHLo
UNIS - Poppin’ https://youtu.be/JdlMXQ5gJCw
UNIS - 只有你不知道 (Curious) https://youtu.be/taSoy1WauGs
KARD - Tell My Momma (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/p6YbAdi-PEo
fromis_9 - Supersonic (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/PfOHYCujtn0
NEXT WEEK - ARrC / YOUNG POSSE / DRIPPIN / SF9 一位 - fromis_9 https://youtu.be/83ngAgJqWDs
╔══╦══╦════╦════╦═══╦═════════════════╗ ║ ║音源║放送/SNS║ ║ ║THE SHOW CHOICE ║ ║排名║銷量║事前投票║直播投票║總分 ║統計期間: 240809-240815 ║ ╠══╬══╬════╬════╬═══╬═════════════════╣ ║ 1 ║5000║ 3200║ 1000║ 9200║fromis_9 - Supersonic ║ ║ 2 ║ 450║ 2120║ 461║ 3031║UNIS - 只有你不知道 (Curious) ║ ║ 3 ║ 540║ 1050║ 107║ 1697║LUN8 - WHIP ║ ╚══╩══╩════╩════╩═══╩═════════════════╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1724150851.A.580.html
jian41335: 推米斯 安可超棒! 08/20 19:02
grincey: 推fromis_9!!! 08/20 19:06
fungzi1114: fromis_9 一位粗卡嘿!! 08/20 19:43
sixer: 大推fromis_9 一位粗卡 加油 08/20 20:41
Kroner: b群功效 08/20 20:41
OooOoopy: 推blackswan 08/20 22:10
※ 編輯: johnny40615 ( 臺灣), 08/20/2024 23:21:32
QAQb: BLACKSWAN!!!!! 08/22 01:15