看板 Gossiping
1.媒體來源: 今日新聞 2.記者署名: 林怡昕 3.完整新聞標題: 徐巧芯遭控把美台國防工業會議「當個人秀」 本人講稿全曝光 4.完整新聞內文: 美台國防工業會議日前登場,國民黨立委徐巧芯代表國民黨出席。怎料,卻有網友爆料,徐 巧芯不止把會議當成個人秀,投影片放個斗大的宣傳照,民眾提問她為何開記者會抹黑美國 NGO團,徐竟然在產業會議上開罵民進黨。針對相關指控,徐巧芯稍早曝光完整講稿,並直 言質疑民進黨就等於「暴走」,是有沒有那麼玻璃心? 臉書粉專「老波 the No-Filter Generalist 」稍早發文踢爆,徐巧芯把美台國防工業會 議當成個人秀,所有人都是來這邊討論國防工業,就她自己的投影片放個斗大的宣傳照。有 民眾提問,徐巧芯在選舉期間,開記者會抹黑美國 NGO - Spirit of America 「所到之處 都發生戰爭」,結果徐竟然在產業會議上開罵民進黨,讓台下許多美國與台灣人士憋笑。 對此,徐巧芯先是回應,縱使網路上馬上開始有側翼造謠抹黑,但是真的沒什麼好理會,也 不意外。光文章裡面刻意把「民進黨代表」的刻意挑釁,輕描淡寫成「一般民眾」,就沒什 麼好值得回應的了。 徐巧芯也說,後來晚上我們還在第一排一起用餐,大家開開心心的,離開前説好了下次台北 見。照片會說話,不是質疑民進黨就等於「暴走」,是有沒有那麼玻璃心。 徐巧芯講稿、照片與PPT如下: 韓儒伯主席,各位嘉賓,大家好,我是徐巧芯,來自中華民國代表國民黨籍的立法委員。 Chairman Rupert, fellow esteemed attendees, and my name is Chiao Hsin Hsu, a Rep ublic of China legislator representing the KMT. 我很榮幸能夠參加美台國防工業會議,以中華民國立法院外交及國防委員會成員的身份,向 各位報告我在預算上對於國防政策的構想與方向。 It is my honor to attend this Conference as a member of the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee in the Legislator Yuan, to share my thoughts on the v ision and direction of Taiwan’s defense policy, from a budgetary perspective. 我今天的演講分為三大部分: ‧ 第一,台灣政治現況。 ‧ 第二,台灣面臨的挑戰。 ‧ 第三,對於國防預算的立場與戰略分析。 My speech today consists of three parts: ‧ Firstly, Taiwan’s current political situation, ‧ Secondly, the challenges facing Taiwan, ‧ And thirdly, my position and strategic analysis on the defense budget. 第一部分:台灣政治現況 On the current political situations of Taiwan 國民黨在今年初的大選後,再次成為立法院的最大黨,在113席立委裡,國民黨有54席、民 進黨有51、民眾黨有8席。 After this year’s election, KMT returned as the largest party in the Legislativ e Yuan. Amongst the 113 seats, KMT has 54, DPP has 51, and TPP has 8. 三黨不過半,是台灣立法院的第一次,也顯現出了台灣社會的多元意見,各政黨對內,包含 審查預算可能產生分歧,但我們也會在外交及國防上,為台灣,以及台美安全合作上,走在 正確的方向,做出正確的決定。 The first-ever hung parliament in LY’s history, demonstrated the diverse opinio ns in our society. In our politics, each party will have differences when review ing the budgets. But in foreign affairs and national defense, we will, for Taiwa n, for Taiwan – US security cooperation, be on the right path, and make the rig ht decisions. 我認為,從中華民國和區域和平穩定的角度考量,我們需要正視現在面臨的各種安全挑戰的 現實,「聰明地」編列國防預算。 I believe, for the security of the Republic of China, and regional stability and peace, we must confront the realities and challenges, to design smart defense b udgets. 新政府上台之後,兩岸關係持續惡化,戰爭與明顯衝突的可能性升高,因此,我國必然需要 在國防上做出最大的努力,這些準備是為了避免戰爭的發生。 As the cross-strait relations continue to deteriorate, with it, an increase of t he possibility of war and open conflict.The Republic of China must devote as muc h commitment to defense as possible, in order to prevent and avoid war. 第二部分:台灣目前的挑戰 Regarding the challenges facing Taiwan. 大陸民間去年多次,以無人機持續騷擾我國離島。我們正在建置整體的無人機偵防及反無人 機系統,並加強軍隊的迅速因應措施,根據我國政府政策,同時也需要確認無人機晶片沒有 使用任何大陸的晶片。 Beijing continues to wage gray zone warfare, including the increasing use of bot h civilian drones, against Taiwan and the other outer islands such as Kinmen and Matsu. We in turn, are building a comprehensive detection and counter-drone system, to enhance the reaction time and increase available options for our military. We must also follow our government’s policy, to make sure our drones will not b e using any Mainland brands. 在軍隊方面,台灣面臨兵力不足的問題。我們國軍構成主戰力的志願役目前只有16萬人左右 。我們從預算書上面看到,明年志願役官士兵的「預算員額」,比今年劇減5187人,此外同 時台灣社會面臨少子化的問題,未來預期未來志願役人數只會更少,以及根據近年民調顯示 超過60%的民眾認為兩岸之間不會打仗,也有民調指出42%的民眾認為若台海發生戰爭,美國 會出兵支援。這些都是台灣目前的現實挑戰,會影響軍隊構建戰力的進度,也是在現況之下 ,我們必須努力的改善。 We are also facing the challenge of insufficient manpower in our military. The b ackbone of our armed forces, the volunteered service men and women, only stand a t one hundred and sixty (160) thousand strong. From the budget books, we see that there is a reduction of five thousand volunte er troops, and it is expected that the number of volunteer will only shrink furt her. We are also facing a low birth rate, and recent polls suggest that 60% of the pu blic does not believe a war will occur, and 42% in another poll indicates they e xpect American intervention if war erupts in the Taiwan Strait, these are the re alities challenging our military, as they construct their warfighting capabiliti es. 另一部分也要提到的是,在能源安全方面,現在的政府期待未來以50%天然氣與30%煤炭發電 目標,導致台灣幾乎所有能源都必須對外進口。這對於作為海島的台灣,有非常重大的國安 風險,台灣的天然氣安全存量只夠最多14天,是相當不充足的。 Another challenge that must be mentioned, is our energy security. The current go vernment expects by 2025, to let natural gas and coal make up 50% and 30% of our energy structure. This bears serious security risk for Taiwan, according to our government’s data, the liquified natural gas in worse case scenario only has a round 7 days of stroage. 所以為因應氣候變遷、淨排放、國家安全及經濟發展,確保穩定、且便宜的電力,我非常支 持核能,也歡迎美國再度協助台灣發展核能。 Therefore, in order to face climate change, achieve net zero emissions, improve national security, and economic growth, and ensure stable and cheap electricity, I fully support nuclear power, and welcome American assistance in developing Ta iwan’s nuclear power. 第三部分:對於國防預算的立場與戰略分析 現在,有關於我對於預算的立場與分析。 Now, on my position regarding the defense budget. 今年國防總預算高達6470億台幣,是史上新高,也佔了我國2.45%的GDP。 This year’s defense budget has reached the highest ever, amounting to 647 billi on NTD, roughly 20 billion USD, and 2.45% of our GDP. 首先我會關注的是第一線戰鬥部隊單兵個裝的加強,相關的軍事採購,對基層軍人而言相當 重要。 The first I will focus on is the enhancement of individual combat equipment for our first-line troops, the related procurements are important for our troops on the ground. 再者,未來的國防趨勢是AI跟無人武器的系統,所以台灣才跟美國採買了近1000架自殺型無 人機,發展與採購其他無人武器系統也的會是我們的重點之一, I also believe the future trend of defense lies in the integration of artificial intelligence and unmanned systems into our platforms and battle orders. This is why Taiwan bought around 1,000 attack drones from the US, so the development an d procurement of various unmanned capabilities enjoy support and is an important focus in the LY. 同時,武器交付的時間,延遲的問題,在立法院有比較多的關注與討論,也會造成民眾對美 軍購的不信任。 At the same time, the delay of weapon delivery is also widely discussed in the L Y, and this will impact our people’s support for arm sales from the US. 我希望持續藉由美方的PDA 方式來儘速加速購買我們所需的上述需求。 I hope the abovementioned capabilities and equipment will accelerate the deliver y of the above demands we have. 另外,台灣的潛艦國造也正在進行當中,那第一艘目前還未進行下海測試,我們預計要打造 七艘,雖然今年第三階段量產艦只編了6千萬美金,但後續整體預算高達90億美金。 In addition, Taiwan continues to work on our Indigenous Defense Submarine (IDS) project, but the first prototype has yet to conduct any harbor or sea acceptance tests, we plan on building seven IDS. This year, for the mass production ISD, t he government only plans to appropriate 62 million USD, but the entire project h as 9 billion USD. 然而,第一艘潛艦的完成預計還會延遲,目前預計延遲到2029年才測試完畢,所以我們對這 後續90億美金的7艘後續潛艦感到相當憂心。但當然我們也希望能夠建造好的潛艦,以因應 兩岸之間的戰爭風險,所以也希望美方能夠積極協助,參與相關發展。 However, given the prototype’s completion could be delayed until the end of 202 9, we are very concerned about the mass production model and its 9 billion USD b udget. We, of course, aim to build the finest submarines for our navy, to meet t he possible risk of a cross-strait conflict. So I hope the US can actively assis t and participate in any IDS-related developments. 結尾 我相信,有效的嚇阻能力,不僅是編列多少預算,也是如何使用這些預算。身為在野黨,會 對於仔細的審查,盡可能地讓預算用在有效的地方。 I believe Taiwan’s effective deterrence against major military threats is not o nly about how much has been budgeted, but also how to spend this budget. As a me mber of the opposition party, we will conduct detailed reviews, and ensure the b udgets will be implemented in the most effective ways. 我台美之間的國防交流,經過這麼多年,只會越來越緊密,感謝美國對台灣的軍售以及雙邊 軍事交流。在加強軍購或是深化雙邊軍事交流之外,台灣也必須靠自己建構自主的國防能力 。 The Taiwan–U.S. security partnership, after so many years, will only be ever cl oser. We appreciate the assistance of the US in its military sales and bilateral security exchanges, but beyond the enhancement of procurements and more interac tions, it is ultimately up to us in Taiwan, to construct our defensive capabilit ies. 再次感謝美台商會邀請我在此做一個分享。 I once again thank the US – US-Taiwan Business Council to kindly invited me in making this speech, and share my thoughts with all of you. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://www.nownews.com/news/6533708 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1727189148.A.FC7.html
doig: https://i.imgur.com/q2be8P8.jpeg220.129.203.117 09/24 22:47
js52666: 綠鳥無視 09/24 22:50
nowitzki0207: 不就都在作秀 09/24 22:51
carsly: 立委講什麼也要管 台灣到底有沒有言論自由 09/24 22:54
Kroner: epa功效 09/24 22:54
johnhmj: 讓美國人清楚了解島上內部問題 不好嗎? 09/24 22:55
monarch0301: 因為相由心生 09/24 22:57
monarch0301: 民進黨也有高嘉瑜 你們自己不拿來用 09/24 22:57
Kroner: 鋅功效 09/24 22:57
ev331: 高佳瑜跟她才不一樣 09/24 23:04
seabox: 傻眼 結果徐巧芯也要武裝台灣 挑釁中國 09/24 23:09
xxxg00w0: 這講稿有什麼問題?啊忘了 念書有罪縮頭 09/24 23:13
Chricey: 瑪卡推薦 09/24 23:13
xxxg00w0: 土鳥看不懂英文 09/24 23:14
seabox: 有問題啊 為什麼要抗中保台 挑釁中國? 09/24 23:14
biaw: 八卦女神 八卦網軍的用戶 大家小心勿嘴 09/24 23:20
Kroner: b群功效 09/24 23:20
peng978: 這個講稿哪邊有問題嗎118.231.128.247 09/24 23:32
TWCHIEN: 又一個要竹子稿的223.140.140.151 09/24 23:33
biggest1983: 人家在談提問 妳丟講稿出來幹嘛==? 09/24 23:36
Chricey: epa 112.317.206.71 09/24 23:36
biggest1983: 而且又是助理寫的 09/24 23:37