看板 DigiCurrency
https://twitter.com/StevenNerayoff/status/1725151606944260498 ETHEREUM RESCUE & RESTRUCTURE PLAN: In late 2014 Ethereum was in trouble. Vitalik Buterin asked Steven Nerayoff to do a full diagnostic assessment and recommendations on how to save Ethereum and restructure it for long term success. Over the early months of 2015 Steven and Vitalik spoke many times. These are five of those conversations that happened to be recorded. Thank you to @AlturaNFT for their support in bringing this piece of history to life. Available to mint below - https://real-truth.marketplace.alturanft.com/item/137/0x9a5bacd18be4 4a214515519238c728faec1468e0/1 錄音連結縮址: https://reurl.cc/2Ek9pO ============================================================== 約2小時44分鐘的錄音 有點長耶 抓不到重點 不過從公開的資訊查到 V神在2015年的時候就擔任中國萬向公司的首席科學家 在2016年的時候又來台灣跟當時的數位政委唐鳳洽談 是否因此找到困境的解方 至少目前看來並沒有問題 請問大家怎麼看? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1700190662.A.A7C.html
wahaha99: 有什麼毛就叫他拿出來 這年頭誰有閒情去聽這種東西 11/17 12:17
nepholi: 應該有AI可以丟上去擷取重點? 11/17 13:35
royroy666: 跟唐鳳是能談出什麼 11/17 19:02
至少能達到宣傳的效果 ※ 編輯: MrTaxes ( 臺灣), 11/17/2023 19:13:12